Church Mental Health Summit

90: Support Skills Training For Your Teams

In the majority of work environments, pieces of training are always offered to staff to improve their skill sets or interaction with customers.

Well, the same is true for the church. The leaders in the church require training so they are in the know on how to deal with the diversity of issues brought up by its members.

In this episode, I share with you three pieces of training your church and its leaders can use to offer support.

Listen in as I share and be keen on what training suits your team.



  • When we feel isolated, rejected or unsafe it often results in depression and anxiety or maybe even trauma. 
  • Your church is the first stop for people finding support
  • Ministry leaders are not clinicians. You don't diagnose you know, treat, or offer therapy, you're a supporter, and you're standing with people who are journeying through difficult situations.


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