Church Mental Health Summit

96: Rhythms of Renewal with Rebekah Lyons

With the current state of overwhelming distress in the world right now, anxiety continues to spike at a high level than ever before.

Majority of people find themselves in a whirlwind of thoughts and this affects their wellbeing. 

However, we have the power to change this situation.

In this episode, Rebekah Lyons, presents a pathway that leads to establishing four revitalizing patterns that calm inner turmoil and create space for a thriving existence. By dedicating time to rest, restore, connect, and create, you incorporate rejuvenating routines into your daily life that lead to hope.



  • Hope can look like the healing rhythms of renewal.
  • We don't run to earn rest, we run fuels from a posture of rest.
  • In affliction, God is creating endurance, character, and hope. It's hope that ignites a calling, passion, and purpose.
  • We also rejoice in our affliction, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces character, and proven character produces hope.


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