Church Mental Health Summit

123: Navigating Your Unique Journey of Faith with Ines Franklin

“I need to tell my story because it reminds me of grace.” Meet Inés Franklin, Founder and President of Trochia Ministries, author of Uncharted: Navigating Your Unique Journey of Faith, and one of the teaching pastors at Mariners Church. Inés grew up in Puerto Rico and came to the United States with a desire to help people at a young age. But her story comes with many twists and turns that brought her to a place of shame. Today, we get to hear about God’s redemption and grace in the midst of it all.



  • I can’t point my finger at others anymore. I have to look at myself in the mirror.
  • There’s hope for someone like me.
  • It could be a person coming once. This could be the message that speaks hope to them.
  • Our story is a big God story of redemption, but it’s messy.
  • You act and live as if Jesus didn’t do enough on the cross…and that’s not grace.
  • You need to leave that shame behind and say “yes” to what Jesus is calling you to. 
  • I need to tell my story because it reminds me of grace.






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