Church Mental Health Summit

128: 9 Follow-up options after a Mental Health Sunday

With 9 follow-up options that you can offer after Hosting a Mental Health Sunday, today we’re equipping churches for more than a Mental Health Sunday. Because care shouldn’t just happen in one message or one morning. It should be woven into the culture of your church. Today, we’re sharing ways to do that well! 



  • Your church is a safe place for people to work through life’s challenges, and God sees them as more than their diagnosis.
  • Rather than being overwhelmed with needs after a mental health Sunday, plan your follow-up ahead by creating reservable pastoral care sessions. 
  • One of the hardest lessons I learned as a young social worker is to never assume I know what is right for people. 
  • For those who are ready to go deeper, who want to champion this message that you are more than your diagnosis, or past, then perhaps you are interested in hosting a local Church Mental Health Summit.
  • I’m a huge advocate for shifting our mindset from programs in the church that care for people to developing a culture of care in the church.




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